Dansk Bioøkonomi Konference 2024 - International TEMADAG Building Based on Bio Based
Find the presentations here - and an invitation to a financing conference.
Dansk Bioøkonomi Konference 2024 was a “special edition” with a thematical focus on agricultural bio building materials.
How do we increase the application of biobased materials in construction?
This year’s conference was a merge with the start conference of Interreg North Sea project “Building Based on Bio Based” [BBOBB].
Aim of the conference:
- To share North Sea Region state of art knowledge about 3 selected crops for biomaterials: hemp, cattail and flax.
- To demonstrate that with in EU there are mayor regulatory differences and that by learning from each other we may succeed better and faster
Thank you to all presenters for sharing their very interesting and informative presentations.
BBOBB pitches: 3 crops – 3 value chains (or more).
- Hemp / Bert Vuylsteke, University Ghent
- Cattail / Jan Köbbig, 3N
- Flax / Eileen Blackmore, House of Design
Bio based binders
- An overview of realistic bio binders for building / Thue Trofod, Danish Technological Institute
- BBoBB status for bio binders in North Sea Region / Lahcen Khouchaf, IMT Nord Europe
Danish “Roadmap for building bio based”. / Alexandra Wittchen, Smith Innovation.
Introduction National Approach of Biobased Building of the Dutch government to initiate, stimulate and support biobased value chains and its regional implementation in Fryslân /Nick Boersma, Circulair Friesland Association.
Regulatory framework for bio based building in Danmark – ”enablers” and ”disablers” /Lau Raffnsøe, Videncenter for bygningers klimapåvirkning (VCBK).

Fact sheets - Regulation in B, D, DK, F and NL

Hampens Hus folder (klik her)

Hampens Hus - English version (click here)